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8 Parts of Speech

There are a few different ways to talk about language. Parts of Speech are useful to name the kinds of words we use. You know some of them already. Here are all 8 of them together (click for detail):
1. Verb
2. Noun
3. Pronoun
4. Preposition
5. Adjective
6. Adverb
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection

1. Verb - the action or state of something
be, am, are, is, was, were are some state words.
He is a teacher.
like, run, sing, take are some action words.
They like Mary.


2. Noun - a person, place, or thing
John, hand, house, Korea and Paris are all nouns.
likes his house in Paris.


3. Pronoun -
use in place of a noun
I, you, he, she, it, we, they, and none  are Pronouns.
I like it.
There are many kinds of pronouns for many uses. Other Pronouns include: who, me, your, that, everyone, his, and myself.


4. Preposition - ties a noun or a verb with another word.
Prepositions go with nouns of time or place.
to, at, over, with, in, before
, and through are Prepositions.
Tom is flying in his plane over the mountain.
Prepositions go with verbs in Phrasal Verbs.
get up, take off, put in, and bring out are all Phrasal Verbs with Prepositions.


5. Adjective - tells about a noun.
a/an, the, red, good, 12, and shining are all adjectives.
A heavy man ran into the red house.


6. Adverb - tells about a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
loudly, happily, quite, and sadly are adverbs.
A heavy man ran very quickly into the bright red house.


7. Conjunction - ties words or sentences or clauses together
and, but, because, since and therefore are all Conjunctions.
John and Bob stayed at home because Barbara and Mary were shopping.


8. Interjection - a word or a few words of emotion or statement. May be inserted in a sentence.
"Help!" "OK." "Ah ha..." and "Well..." are all Interjections.
"Hey, there...", "Say..." and "Freeze" are Interjections as well.