Lesson N Main?



Lesson N -  (most-used 924-967)

attend  balance  citizen   agency  worry   fix   load   propose   lock   ahead   approve  destroy   regular   wage   perform    title   secret   solid   weapon   pure   escape   avoid news   unless   dinner   signal   shelter   weak   wine   duty   perfect   battle   expense   kitchen   dust   bottle   admit   tear   tire   belong   struggle   narrow   theater


Business Words:  sink, scour, wipe, pot, mop, attract, television, utensil, floor, scrub


And here is your  Lesson N story....Sound...mp3?



Nina was scouring pots in the narrow  kitchen after dinner, and Gabriella was mopping the floor.  Tim was watching a football game on television.


"I have to admit, Judy has to struggle now that you are attracting away many of her customers," Nina said. "That is really destroying her business."


"She should not worry," Gabriella said, wiping the table, "I am going to fix things for her."


"For Judy?" asked Nina, loading the sink with eating utensils. "Judy would not even hire you perform for her with a regular  wage."


"Well, so far it is just a battle," said Gabriella, "What I will propose is something Judy should approve, and Michele, my boss, will like as well."


"I think this is a signal that you need more wine," said Nina, handing her the dusty old bottle. "So let me have the news."


"So far Judy and Michele have been trying to tear away each other's shoppers," explained Gabriella, "And so far my duty, has been purely to make Judy weak by helping people a lot and bringing over her customers. Customers talk to each other, you know."


Nina scrubbed off the table. "That's the way it happens. Somebody always wins. You can't really avoid it."


"Unless you try," said Gabriella. "I think we can escape that situation."


Nina's eyes were locked straight ahead. "OK… What agency has this secret weapon? "


"It's balance," said Gabriella. "When you have balance you can make the perfect situation happen. For instance, when citizens attend a play at the theater, they give up a solid 3 or 4 hours, don't they? And when they go shopping its for 2 or 3 hours. They don't care about the expense. And they don't just go in for shelter, or because they are tired."


"So shopping is like going to a play?"


"A little, only the title of my play is different. And shopping also a little like being in a game. It all belongs in the same thinking."


"Now that you've told me this much," said Nina, taking the bottle herself, "you have to  tell me the whole thing. Tomorrow I will buy you lunch, and I will listen."


Gabriella smiled. "OK."

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Say It on the Down Beat!


admit -- to permit to enter, to accept an idea (to Story)
agency -- a business or service acting for others (to Story)
ahead -- in a forward direction (to Story)
approve -- to agree with something or somebody, to okay (to Story)
attend -- to be present at (to Story)
attract - create a pulling effect so that one thing comes nearer to another (to Story)

avoid -- to keep away from (to Story)
balance -- equality between two parts or two quantities (to Story)
battle -- a fight, sometimes between armed forces.  (to Story)
belong -- to be the property of (to Story)
bottle -- a container, usually glass (to Story)
citizen -- a person belonging to a town or nation (to Story)
destroy -- to ruin (to Story)
dinner -- a main meal in the evening (to Story)
dust -- fine dry earth, any fine powder (to Story)
duty -- the thing that a person has to do (to Story)
escape -- to run away from a danger or a prison (to Story)
expense -- money spent (to Story)
fix -- to repair (to Story)
floor -- the surface you walk on in a building (to Story)

kitchen -- a room in which food is cooked (to Story)
load -- to fill or place a load on (to Story)
lock -- v. to keep from being entered into or taken our or away; n. the tool used to keep doors from opening (to Story)
mop - a cleaning tool that uses soap and water on floors (to Story)

narrow -- of small or limited extent from one side to the other (to Story)
news -- new information of any kind (to Story)
perfect -- without mistake (to Story)
perform -- to do, to carry out (to Story)
pot - a cooking tool, for meals with liquids in them (to Story)

propose -- to suggest (to Story)
pure -- not mixed with anything else (to Story)
regular -- fixed by rule, usual, normal (to Story)
scour - to clean with hard wire tool or parts like fine sand (to Story)

scrub - to clean by rubbing soap on the surface (to Story)

secret -- kept from being generally known (to Story)
shelter -- something that covers or protects from weather, danger (to Story)
signal -- any mark or sound used to mean or represent something (to Story)
sink - to drop below the water, or a place in the kitchen where you wash plates and pots (to Story)

solid -- not a liquid or a gas (to Story)
struggle -- to fight (to Story)

tear -- drops of clear liquid produced by the eyes (to Story)
tear* -- to pull apart (to Story)
television - an electric box with sound and pictures (to Story)

theater -- a place for acting performances (to Story)
tire -- v. what a very hard work or sport does to a person who has then difficulties to do more n. American: rubber that covers wheels on a car or truck (British=tyre) (to Story)
title -- a name given to a book, song, or painting; also the name of a position like "chief"  (to Story)
unless -- if not, if it were not that (to Story)
utensil -- a hand tool for cooking or eating, such as a fork  (to Story)

wage -- pay to a worker (to Story)
weak -- lacking power (to Story)
weapon -- an instrument used in wars or in other fights (to Story)
wine -- a drink coming from a fruit with spirit in it, can make you drunk (to Story)
wipe -- rub a cloth or paper across a surface to take dirt or liquid from it (to Story)

worry -- to feel uneasy (to Story)